Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


WOKISM: AN IDEOLOGICAL ACCEPTANCE OF DEVIANCY By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist No matter what humans do to take advantage of another human being, hurt them, or even take their life can be justified by this present woke cultural movement. There are no absolutes, right or wrong thoughts, or actions. Instead, it depends on the thinking and emotions of the person doing the deed at that moment. The woke agenda believes any act a person does should be judged not on the results of the act but on his thinking that motivates the act if they belong to a protected class. The reasoning behind pursuing the subjects’ thinking for doing the deed according to wokism should be the question. Only by getting into the thoughts of the person committing the act can another person attempt to truly understand the act and can judge his actions. In most criminal cases if you prove the person did the act that was harmful to another person, they would be declared guilty. In our modern, nuanced world, a person who did the same act could be judged unequivocally guilty. However, now it is possible the perpetrator would be also considered a person of past victimization. These previous abusive acts according to the woke culture would be the culprit not the action of the previously abused individual. The stigmatizing of any person’s behavior only isolates and forces them to hide or conform to behavior that may confuse them into believing they are evil. There is no right or wrong, according to wokism, only people with power who dictate our values and behavior. Tolerance of all beliefs and actions according to wokism is the way to reach true freedom. Wokism is a philosophy that expounds on the unfairness of determining right from wrong on an individual’s perspective when you do not know what their personal life history was. Physiological and mental abuse and absolute neglect is the real culprit behind the person’s actions and mental state. Without correct intervention when the person was abused, the outcome was predictably an out-of-control, abusive or deviant thinking human being. History has opened many people’s eyes to the inevitability of individuals that have been brutalized in their lives having a greater chance of repeating the abuse they have suffered onto others. The acceptance of abuse or deviant behavior because a person suffered his own abuse should never be a reason for accepting cruelty or destructive behavior to others. Wrong is wrong and right is right, and the difference must remain clear by giving appropriate consequences. When there is no clear distinction between right or wrong, justice for all, or sinful or moral behavior it leaves a nation in chaos. Citizens in any nation must realize that hurting or destroying the clear line between right and wrong, everybody suffers. Parents, teachers, law enforcement and everyone will begin to become morally confused and weak in their condemnation of obviously evil behavior. Acceptance of deviant thinking and action leads to a society without a moral compass. Wokism is the legitimization of liberal woke values that becomes the backbone of political correctness on accepting divisiveness. Stay awake, fight injustice, hatred, and discrimination. Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, April 09, 2024


OPEN BORDER POLICY IS UNDERMINING OUR NATION By Domenick J. Maglio PhD., Traditional Realist Our present woke government is attempting to replace the traditional value system of the USA. In the past people from all over the world came here not for handouts but for the opportunity to climb the economic ladder. Opportunity, not phony communist propaganda, attracted people to these faraway shores. Our present administration is attempting to increase our national population by providing incentives to immigrants including food, transportation, housing, cell phones, and debit cards worth a lot of money. Most of the people entering America illegally are not arrested or even detained or deported but many are housed in 5-star hotels with three meals a day. Even known criminals appear to be welcomed since they are not being refused entry into the USA. If we continue down this path of weakening our once strong moral values we deserve the increase in crime, violence, and a large segment of people rejecting viable employment. The work ethic is being rejected along with correcting our children in school for not doing their assignments or behaving in a reasonable manner. Our once high education standards for living a God fearing and virtuous life have dwindled to just trying to keep students safe in school. Our woke, culture is an attempt to replace our traditional American values with communist-socialist ones. Our schools and media are preaching that everyone is a victim who deserves a third or fourth chance, without any punishing consequences. The rationale for this is ridiculous. Punishment has become “violence against any transgressor” who deserves unlimited chances. Obviously, this lack of punishment only increases repeat offenders. “In school punishment is for other out-of-control people, just not my child.” This sentiment is pervasive. Consequences for misbehavior are appropriate for other parent’s children. America appears weak and getting weaker. We have forgotten that appropriate punishment keeps everyone on the straight and narrow track. For this woke president, the press, teachers, and even parents American fundamental values are being replaced with woke ones. These are nothing more than camouflaged communist values that sound humane but bring havoc to social order in homes, schools, communities, and our nation. On his first day in office President Biden removed all the restrictive laws protecting our border that kept illegal immigrants out of our country. Allowing all illegal immigrants into our nation is a policy of destruction. The same goes for allowing negative behavior to be overlooked by school authorities that will end in chaos and harming many innocent students and teachers as well as the reputation of the institution. We have to screen these people who want to enter our schools and other institutions to maintain control and safety. We must refuse people who have a history of destructive behavior which is very difficult to determine for people who do not have to present any identification. When we open our institutions to all comers without excluding those with a history of psychopathic behavior we are risking the safety of others. We no longer have a screening process for mental and physical health. The incidents of diseases we thought were eradicated like tuberculosis and measles are recurring. It is better to be safe than sorry for American citizens. Let us return to carefully screening anyone attempting to enter the United States and secure our borders. Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, April 02, 2024


WHAT MADE AMERICA GREAT? By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist America was a great unknown and unexplored land that was fascinating to the people of Europe and the rest of the world. People came to create a better life than they had the chance to create in their own country. There were no government incentives to settle in this unknown world except wilderness land to settle with their own energy and ingenuity to create a home and means of making a living. Most raised food for themselves and perhaps to sell or trade, anything that would provide the means to survive. Through their hard work and fortitude these settlers prospered. They had to rely on family and neighbors to help each other build and maintain the peace without help from government assistance or handouts. These settlers were on their own and knew it from day one. As settlers moved further west individual settlements grew into viable communities that needed small businesses to furnish the homesteads with goods and services. These necessary services needed to be created by people. This required people with these special skills or those willing to learn them through their initiative and hard work. These sectors grew in the east by developing trade and moved west. The immigrants who flooded into the US were no longer just settlers but people who wanted a part of the American dream. This time it was not to just to establish homesteads out west but to find work anywhere, especially in the developing cities to survive until they could establish themselves. These later arrivals left poorer European countrysides flooding our harbors to begin at the bottom of the economy and to begin to climb up the economic ladder. Each new immigrant came not expecting to be given anything, instead to grab the brass ring to success through their best work ethic and perseverance. The great nation of America was not built by bureaucrats or powerful politicians. The incentive came from immigrants wanting to move up through their own efforts and the freedom to do so. The great nation of the United States grew to greatness because it provided all citizens the opportunity to earn their own advancement by each individual working to the best of their ability. Most started in labor intensive jobs and often moved up into various employment until they found a job that satisfied them. This upward mobility was not done easily. These people often settled in high crime areas in large cities or desolate rural areas. Strong connected families and helpful neighbors were their support. They had to face economic downturns, wars, rationed food, and other challenges. The major factor that most settlers had was strong values based on the Bible. These biblical values kept settlers and later immigrants in a positive and helpful mode. American settlers had minimal governmental dictates. They had the freedom to decide where and when to move to another place. The roots of the American way were established by the experiences of these settlers. They worked for what they achieved. The most important thing they had was the freedom to do what they desired to survive. Government intervention through free incentives may seduce people to make choices to fulfill government plans. However, only when people truly want something strongly do they have the motivation to stick to their dreams and get it done. America’s greatness comes from our freedom as individuals to follow our own desires, use our energy, and time to establish a life that fulfills our needs and vision. When citizens are given dreams of the future, they will choose one and then another until they climb the economic ladder reaching the height that satisfies them, not when government tells them they have to stop. America’s greatness was accomplished by government not impeding the inalienable rights of the people or the freedom to be all they wanted to be. Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


TOLERANCE FOR EVERYTHING LEAVES NOTHING SACRED By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist The United States has moved away from right and wrong to a society that tolerates almost anything. Our Christian Bible clearly spelled out sins for specific actions. As we moved away from hearing and reading the Bible on a regular basis the specific punishments for these behaviors are missing in action. Religious preachers have been replaced by university trained ultra-liberal teachers and newscasters who have taken too many psychology and sociology courses. These have taught them to believe that the environment of the individual has an incredible impact on their actions and thinking and should excuse any deviant behavior. Every daily news program in every local community reports the human failings of that day. Killings, robberies, kidnappings, sexual abuse, and general perversion are featured stories on news programs. Robbery is shown by a video of a store being cleaned out by a gang of thieves. Murders in a community although frightening are tantalizing to the audience. This is a message to the audience that neighborhoods can be dangerous, and they need to be aware or what is happening around them. Too often crime filled neighborhoods lose control of preventing escalating crime. Because of the physical danger police officers often stop walking the neighborhood beat. The number of informants dwindles which limits the police’s ability to take the bad characters off the street. This leaves the criminal element to convert naïve kids to follow them into crime. Every devious behavior becomes attractive to these naïve youngsters to try it out. It starts with petty crime then moves up to more sophisticated crime including embezzlement, drug dealing, cooking the books, forgery, kidnapping, or bank robbery. When these easily influenced young people see that they are not receiving consequences for their serious illegal actions but a litany of psychological excuses for their harmful psychopathic behavior they become more brazen in their crimes. They become creative in excusing all types of their antisocial actions. Forgiveness and tolerance for intolerable perverted behavior does nothing except erase the clear difference between exemplary and disgusting thinking and actions. Crime is no longer limited to petty crimes but expands into ways that will bring criminals much bigger paydays. Everything becomes a possibility even extortion or murder. Nothing is out of play for the criminal mind is open to anything that will make them richer and more powerful. As they get deeper into the criminal world nothing in their life is sacred any longer. Tolerance for everything and anything is not something that one can build an exemplary life on. Tolerance for everything leaves nothing sacred. Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, March 12, 2024



By Domenick j. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist



The primary responsibility of parents is to teach a child how to be functional in the world. They have to train the child in basic interactional skills such as emotional appropriateness, responsibility, decision-making, perseverance, talking clearly, independence, manners, and moral values.  Most of these tasks have to begin early to have the children gain the confidence and necessary skills to be considered normal. This is an incredible agenda to establish in the first three years.  


Once the groundwork is seeded the child is ready to branch out with his peers but not before the parent’s instructions for their children. This gives them a heads up in becoming socially acceptable. Children become more isolated and shunned if they have not learned appropriate responses from their parents before going to preschool. 


Around the age of three years the child learns from studying and imitating other children in the environment. Preschool children select certain youngsters as role models. The choice a preschooler picks to be a best friend is often surprising. There are too many variables, which depend on the child’s particular circumstances. The new found friend may be similar to one of their siblings, a media character they fell in love with or have certain personality traits like laughing or smiles that makes her feel happy and comfortable.


The maturing of the individual child is a mixture of innate attributes, family and other authority figure expectations and standards as well as the knowledge learned especially from their peers. The child they admired the most, consciously or unconsciously, is the individual most likely to be imitated. As their idol changes so do their attitudes, thinking and body language. These modifications are not readily noted but serve to slowly shape their social skills and overall personality. 


This interaction with peers is a growing process for children. However, in our current culture a major deterrent for children getting together is parental fear. Modern parents view the shielding of their child from any danger as their top priority. An unsupervised peer interaction of their child with other children is frightening to them. The media highlighting of bullying in our culture has created neurotic parents. They believe they have to hover over their children to protect them from traumatic bullying episodes. 


On the other side of the equation, the more contact children have with peers, the more opportunity they have to experience, experiment and learn from others. This enables them to identify what they want to do in shaping their own emerging personality. Children begin to unconsciously copy their own new friends’ smile, way of speaking, walking, laughing, actions, and almost anything that strikes their fancy. They try out new behaviors and attitudes to see how it feels for them without input from adults. They are learning to be more interdependent while building their own personalities. 


Most children are incredibly opinionated and critical about peer’s actions. They are unfiltered and hold back no punches. If another child looks weak, an aggressive child will quickly test him to find out how far the fragile child will let him take advantage by pushing him until he realized the other child will not cease. Finally in frustration and anger the naïve child returns the favor by pushing the child back. The game stops at this point. The innocent child learns the reality of peace through strength. This is a concrete lesson in standing up for oneself. It is an unfiltered, direct means of learning the rules of the child-jungle, which helps them establish their behavior patterns in dealing with peers. 


This is a major reason an only child is at a significant disadvantage compared to a child coming from a family with siblings. Children tell and show each other things that would be ignored if said by an adult. They learn from each other how to act appropriately. “Don’t cry when you get hurt because you are acting like a baby.” This statement coming from a respected group member is more powerful than having to endure a lecture from a significant adult. Crying is like honey to a bear. It is a signal to the bully to attack.


The best protection a child has is himself. By interacting he will develop the social skills and abilities to handle peer issues. Excluding a child from independent relationships with his peers will not only delay his social maturity but could cause the child to be awkward or even a misfit among children.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at








Tuesday, March 05, 2024



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. --Traditional Realist                                                                           


Parents often talk about discipline or the lack of it, especially in others’ children. The foreman on a job wants to instill discipline in the workers for the best productivity. The CEO in charge of his staff wants them to start work at a specific time and work diligently until the end of their workday. 


If the employee does not follow the employer or the self-employed does not follow his own discipline rules, this will hinder his own production and may lead to losing the business to a more disciplined person. The same results happen with parents who are sincere in their commitment to raising a child with a strong conscience but do not insist on the child following their rules. Almost every parent believes their child is faithfully following their teachings even when they are not present.


On the news daily we see youths roaming the streets committing senseless crimes. Obviously, these adolescents are lacking a conscience, or they would not behave like this. What was needed was strong punishment that caused sufficient pain when they were young to be remembered and to lead to self-imposed correction of behavior.


Often parents tell their child there will be a negative consequence if they do not behave properly or a positive one, if they do well. Some parents say they will take something away such as using a computer, tv, or other electronic device but never follow through on. This means the child learns to disregard the words of the parents which does nothing to motivate the child to develop a conscience. Instead, it destroys the integrity of the parents and their word. 


There are some parents that keep their word to show the child it is better to do it right the first time instead of playing games. Discipline becomes a habit in their child’s life which helps them to keep their word and actions on the same page. Self-disciplined children mean they are becoming mature and self-correct before they make any decisions that would be harmful. 


Well-thought out and executed discipline serves the person well and poor discipline serves the person badly for the rest of their lifeA mature person carefully weighs the pros and cons before making a decisionAt the beginning their parent’s gave examples and explained why a particular behavior was wrong. Besides telling why a behavior would hurt the child, they are given a corrective punishment to reinforce that their choice was wrong and would be remembered. Besides choosing an appropriate consequence, the parent shows the child how this could become a habit they would be stuck with throughout their life. 


As the child learns to think about the long-term consequences of their behavior, their decision making improves. They mature into well behaved adolescents and eventually into reasonable adults. 


Children become productive adults with the assistance of an adult who holds them to high decision-making standards at an early stage in their life. Developing a conscience in a child is the most important responsibility of a parent. By the person pointing out the negativity of certain behaviors and the importance of doing the right thing this conscience development keeps the person on a healthy path.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at
















Tuesday, February 27, 2024



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD, Traditional Realist


Why should children all the way to adulthood follow social and ethical standards?


From Benjamin Spock’s permissive parenting to the present “gentle parenting” the message has been the same: Don’t traumatize the child by frightening them with strong consequences as it might arrest their natural development. A heavy dose of negative reality might turn children into fearful, withdrawn, and introverted people with no backbone to execute their will.


On the other side of the spectrum, a person without experiencing consequences for certain behavior can easily be attracted to behavior that can lead to disastrous results. Naïve children can be led into a life that has no positive future. Loved ones should warn the child about going down the wrong path and administer consequences if they do not heed the parent’s commands. 


A threat of a strong consequence should prevent someone from attempting to do something forbidden. Eventually, when a youngster is told,” No, or else,” the child might test the waters by doing what is prohibited. If the strong consequence is not given, the reputation of the person giving it will be weakened and the child will not learn the necessary lesson.


As seen in our present criminal justice system adults who commit serious, violent crimes are often not punished severely, sometimes not at all. They may receive a “slap on the wrist” punishment such as minimal time in a correctional institution with a fine that often is dismissed. Many criminals are getting off scot-free so they continue to do criminal acts. The lack of negative consequences can tempt a person to take the risk of even higher-level crimes.


Although this is bad enough, the true damage to the American culture is the lack of punishment in the way we are raising our children. Today’s child rearing tells parents that children should not be threatened with physical or mental consequences. Spanking is said to be abuse and even giving a consequence for lying such as, “If you lie to me, you will lose your phone, dance classes or sport team” is seen as excessive.


According to our mostly permissive child rearing experts, consequences create too much anxiety for the child. In other words, the punishment is worse than the crime. This false permissive child rearing philosophy has removed any fear in the child’s mind that doing something considered wrong will result in punishment that actually affects them.


If the child does not believe the parents’ pronouncements, why would they follow what the parents say? They would not and do not. Without some fear they would disregard the command until they feel the pain of disobeying. 


For a person in charge to maintain their credibility they have to back up their statements with action. If they fail to do so their power is lost. This requires a parent not to make ridiculous threats that cannot be carried out by them but to give reasonable consequences for the misbehavior and follow through with them.  If an authority figure says they are going to do something they need to do it to maintain their credibility.


The ultimate thing an authority figure can do is to develop the reputation that their word is gold.  Their consequences must be formidable but fair and significantly strong enough to convince the potential transgressor that crime does not pay. 

The legitimate fear of a strong punishment from taking the wrong path will lead to keeping the person doing what is right. Parents need to insist their children be held to the highest social and ethical standards to direct them toward a successful and healthy life.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at