Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Presidents G.W. Bush and Barack Obama used radically different pitches to appeal to their voting base although both increased the size of government and did the bidding of the corporate world. Each in his policies favored big business even though President Obama pretended to be an adversary of the corporate world. The “too big to fail” motto echoed in the Wall Street crisis in late 2007 as a definitive statement of the ties to the corporate world and their abandonment of small businesses.  “Crony capitalism” has been coined to describe this symbiotic relationship.

Since the over $800 billion bailout, the “one percenters” of the uber rich have increased their wealth by 28% while the middle class has lost 5% of their earning power.  There have been an incredible 9+ million jobs lost in the past five years of the Obama administration as well as a whopping 11.5 million unemployed and 4.2 million people who have been out of jobs for six months. Furthermore, the Obamacare train wreck s going to have a negative financial impact on the middle class especially the young adults.

The stock market has gone through the roof setting an all time high with the aid of Federal Reserve’s, Ben Bernanke, increasing the money supply each month by $87 billion.  These QE policies 1, 2 and 3 have devaluated our dollar and have kept the stock market revved up for the 1%ers.  Additionally the cheaper dollar has made it easier for international corporations to sell their products overseas.  Although it has made foreign items much more expensive at home to the middle and lower class. We are being nickeled and dimed by invisible taxation of regulations not representation, which is further shrinking the middle class.

The ever-expanding safety net for the unemployed is depleting the middle class. It has de-incentivized and demoralized many citizens, especially the youth, working up the economic ladder.  Even the meager number of jobs being created are 93% part time low paying positions primarily in fast food and retail marketing. Thirty six percent of the millennial Y generation is still living at home.

Regardless of government and their pals in the media, the economy is growing at a pathetic 1.4 growth rate (as usual will be revised lower next month) and a 7.4 unemployment rate, which is actually hovering at 14-16%. This is a disaster for the middle class and a bonanza for big government and corporate greed.

In the US according to an Associated Press survey, 4 out of 5 US adults will face joblessness, welfare or poverty at some point in their lives. This widening gap between rich and poor is a natural outcome of the fascist marriage between a centralized government and large corporations.

“Pay for play” opened up the floodgates of corruption of government and the corporate world. Only the big corporations have the assets for lobbying to gain favor with D.C.

The process of government co-opting corporations is not a new phenomenon. The government can more easily enforce and control a smaller number of humongous corporations that will comply with their questionable regulations than deal with many independent self-made entrepreneurs.  This hijacking of certain corporations by the powerful central government leader results in a Mussolini or Hitler.

Small businesses are screwed in competing fairly against the corporate world. The corporate lobbyist with the Washington ruling class creates the laws that favor big business. Small businesses are a nuisance to an autocratic government and need to be suppressed. This government manipulation of regulations and tight money policies for small business has significantly reduced their ranks in the middle class.

This insidious partnership between big government and the corporate world is beneficial to both of them and the “one percenters” who are heavily invested in securities.

Remember America the land of freedom and opportunity has produced the greatest and most prosperous middle class in the history of man. Presently the middle class is being dismantled and shafted.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist

Parents have taken permissiveness to the next level. Too many modern parents feel they want their child to be free to do whatever he desires at any moment. This is accomplished by the parent thinking of every conceivable dangerous feature in the house and then making it safe for the child to explore. It involves rounding off corners, covering up electrical plugs, storing remotes outside the reach of the child and making sure furniture is immovable and stable. All glass windows have to be impact windows so as not to shatter.

This child proofing the home idea is not good for the child’s although it may make it easier for the parents. Parents would never have to say no since the child’s physical safety has been ingeniously provided but the child’s social, emotional health has been ignored. Other authority figures will eventually handle these difficult issues. They will be responsible to say ‘no” to the child and absorb the child’s anger. The parents will be isolated from the child’s anger as long as they acquiesce to the child’s every demand. 

This child rearing approach excuses a parent from taking the time and energy that prepares the child to learn appropriate limits to functioning wisely. In the short term it may be in the parent’s interest but certainly is not in the child's as it leaves the child with gaping inadequacies and less than civilized.

A child needs to be taught how to deal with different environments not only for his and other's safety but to learn what is appropriate in different situations. He should not
throw around objects and act wild when visiting the homes of family and friends. Not only could he hurt himself or others but would appear to be out of control.

The lack of parent training in listening, speaking, obeying and establishing parameters in this modern culture could be initially passed off by the parent as an immature child. In due time this persistent developmentally delayed behavior will be interpreted as annoying and disruptive behavior. Others will see it as the child having a mental disorder. Rarely would the parent be seen as the culprit.

In reality it is parental malfeasance that goes undetected in our modern culture. The inability or unwillingness to say "no" to a child is an abusive act. Children need to learn what they should not do, more than doing what they want to do. Many things we might want to do could adversely affect others and might even be illegal. Narcissistic and anti-social personalities are not the types of people parents should want to develop. Yet this is what they are doing.

In a stable nation people have to abide by society’s moral and social code of behavior. An individual is not free to transgress against the freedom of others.  One person’s rights end where another's begins. All of us are obliged to respect the rights of others or suffer legal consequences. In an orderly society no one can take another’s property without his permission.
Children need to be taught limits to act appropriately to be successful. They cannot take another child’s toy just because they decide to. They cannot assault someone just because they feel like doing it.

The word “no” has to be taught to “child proof” him for the realities of life.  Someone has to say no and then follow it with a consequence.  The person then has to follow up the child’s behavior on numerous occasions to catch him in dangerous or abusive actions.  This repetitive correcting establishes a better behavior pattern. The child becomes more thoughtful and inhibited in attempting annoying or disruptive behavior.

The person who plays the role of teaching the child the word “no” means to stop and listen has given the child the gift of learning about the world from an adult perspective. “No” is an essential ingredient in raising a normal child.

Child proofing a house is giving a child license to be a self-absorbed lunatic. This insane child proofing of the house does not do anything to prepare a child to deal with reality appropriately to become a successful person.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, August 14, 2013



The food stamp program (SNAP) has increased six fold since 2000. In May 2013, 47.6 million people received SNAP cards. Citizens are being encouraged by bureaucrats to milk the system.  Our federal government is using emotional appeals in advertisements to recruit even more Americans. In 2011 $41.3 million was spent advertising this program. Accepting this and other government handouts has traditionally been shunned because of the embarrassment and shame attached to not being able to provide for yourself and family.  Citizen’s pride in being self-reliant is being systematically annihilated.

The entitlement mentality culture has indoctrinated our people through child rearing practices, schools and media for the past several generations that individuals would receive what they desire. Their basic needs and even wants such as food, health and modern housing should be provided by the federal government even when citizens do not put one iota of effort into attaining them.

This is the “ progressive” formula relentlessly being hammered into our minds. Dependency on big government will take care of your needs and wants. The only thing a person has to do is vote in the shysters and “presto” the government will give you whatever.

This is the antithesis of the American experiment. It is un-American because it is a direct contradiction of Biblical teachings that are the moral fiber, which binds the principles of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

America’s incredible success from the beginning was based on the hard work of the people not an all-encompassing government’s care for the people. Freedom takes responsible effort. Our founders understood the freedom of the people would unleash productivity and stability while waiting for government to take care of the people leads to poverty and eventually slavery.

Throughout the Bible inner discipline and self-reliance are heralded while laziness and accepting unrealistic promises are shunned. In Proverbs these creators of the constitution read, “Work hard and you will be a leader. Be lazy and you will end up a slave.” In just one small section of Proverbs there are many references to the virtues of work and the evil of laziness.

6:6  Lazy people can’t learn by watching an anthill.
6:7  Ants don’t have leaders
6:8  but they store up food during the harvest season.
6:9 How long will you lie there doing nothing at all? When are going to get up and stop sleeping.
6:10 Sleep a little, doze a little, fold your hands and twiddle your thumbs.
6:11 Suddenly everything is gone as if it had been taken by an armed robber.
10:4 Laziness leads to poverty. Hard work makes you rich.
10:5 At harvest season it is smart to work hard but stupid to sleep.
12:11 Hard working farmers have more than enough food.
12:12 Daydreamers are nothing more than stupid fools.
12:24 Work hard and you will be a leader. Be lazy and you will end up a slave
12:27 Anyone too lazy to cook will starve but a hard worker is a valuable treasure.
20:13 If you sleep all the time you will starve. If you get up and work you will have enough food. (Holy Bible, Contemporary English Version)

Americans should no longer accept corrupt politicians and progressive elites spewing their demagoguery without pointing out the falseness of their claims.

Remaining silent will bring America closer to our demise by eradicating the importance of work in our citizen’s minds. This purposeful attack on the work ethic leaves us vulnerable to accepting the power of government to control every aspect of our lives. We should not forfeit our most important gift of being Americans: our freedom for a few worthless trinkets.

Work liberates people from the chains of the dependency of the false promise of charlatans who infest government. People who care for their loved ones through their own efforts do not need to accept any redistribution (robbery) of their money. Through their hard work these honorable citizens are free to share their bounty with anyone they wish.  It is theirs to distribute not the government’s.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Thursday, August 08, 2013


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.”
Cicero 106-43 BC

Americans have become a soft people. There have been no major wars that have directly threatened our nation. Our military is the supreme fighting force in the world while the US citizens have experienced decades of peace and economic prosperity. Our poorest citizens would not be considered disadvantaged in any developing countries of the world.

An average US citizen has more things than they know what to do with. Their biggest problem many have is finding a place to store all their expensive possessions. Mini storage buildings have sprouted like weeds to accommodate our materialistic abundance.

The major suffering modern Americans experience is not getting what they want immediately. Of course there are accidents, illness and deaths of loved ones that interrupt the never ending addictive purchasing of items that make an individual temporarily feel elated. We are so focused on obtaining our toys that we rarely recognize the many everyday blessings that we experience.

The majority of people in South America and southern Italy spontaneously burst into applause upon their airplane landing safely. They do not take the safety of passenger planes carrying hundreds of passengers for granted. They appreciate the protection provided them by a higher power.

Too many of us do not notice the many miracles that happen throughout our lives. The creation of an infant is beyond our limited comprehension to fathom. The love mature parents gladly share with their children is inspiring to all. The incredible complexity of our multi functioning mind has the capacity to empathize with others, produce innovative ideas and products to assist our survival. The many integral body parts automatically function in harmony to keep us healthy. As we complete our mundane daily tasks our immune systems are monitoring and responding to protect us from microscopic enemies.
As they study the human body, many scientists marvel at the power of the Creator.

The lack of gratitude for the Creator leaves a person with a void in comprehending our interconnectedness. He alone has caused his arrival at a particular place in time so no greater power is worthy of his thanks. Self-absorbed narcissistic people have lost their way believing they are entitled to everything they have received for they alone have controlled their lives.

The overlooking of these many occurrences or these mini miracles leaves too many people spiritually undeveloped. These individuals cannot view their journey through life as a fantastic learning experience but only as a haphazard, random series of events that finalize in death. 

There is little reason for people with this perspective to follow virtuous behavior. Whatever gets them what they want as quickly as possible is acceptable. These actions become shortcuts that promote immoral behavior. There is no need to be kind, patient, trustworthy, humble, peaceful, persevering, loyal, charitable, or to do things in moderation for it slows down the immediate gratification of being absorbed in pleasure. Everyone not wholeheartedly assisting them in life are seen as hindering them getting what they feel they deserve. This self-centered view promotes personal resentment to people who possess no malice to the individual. They even deny credit to anyone else who may have helped them. This lifestyle is a spiritual black hole.

In this earthly view, moral behavior is living a stupid life impeding a person from getting ahead as rapidly as possible.  In the modern world of consumerism-at-any price, virtuous behaviors are meaningless. People in this mindset become oblivious to witnessing the hand of God all around us.

Instead we should bask in the miracles that spring eternal. The awareness of the interrelations of all things in our lives enhances our appreciation of the things that take place. These incidents, which are beyond our control that guide us to improve ourselves should be recognized and appreciated.

From this knowledge arises a natural gratitude for this positive force. As our understanding expands for the everyday blessings in our lives there is a corresponding decrease in our egos and addiction to immediate gratification. This spiritual maturity of the person gives birth to all the other virtues in our life.

It is time to remind ourselves to teach our children to be grateful for the many incredible things that are available for us daily. This will promote virtuous behavior in their lives.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at