Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Most of our youth are being raised in a protective bubble of cultural delusion. They do not think about their future since they know what it will be. Their future will be determined by what they want. As long as they believe hard enough, it will happen. In their minds it will definitely happen because their world is magical. They have instantly gotten what they want everyday since they were born.

Our affluence as a society has resulted in our children being able to obtain anything they want, which has created an entitlement mentality. These youngsters have moved further away from the natural laws of reality towards “fantasy thinking.”  This is due to the lazy, permissive, bribing way we are raising children.

In our modern culture fantasy thinking is becoming acceptable thinking. Youngsters playing video games as early as two to three years old foster our fantasy culture. They quickly learn they can wipe out a monster, choose a life of riches and become anyone they want to be. They can change their looks and even their gender. They do not have to earn anything; they just need to choose whatever they want.

Parents’ role model a similar fantasy existence by purchasing and doing thing they cannot afford via the credit card. Many parents are not following rational rules of reality by buying what they cannot afford. They impulsively purchase thus accumulating debt, which is ignored while the parents go on their merry way.

How could a child learn the importance of delayed gratification when he is seeing his parents disregarding reality? Most adults are increasing their debt and interest payments because they do not want to wait and save to get what they want. It appears to work for the parents persuading their children that this is the way reality works.

These parents are living an instant gratification existence. It is no wonder the children are not learning the concept that you have to work to gain what you want. Few adults are directly and personally teaching their children the work ethic. When the children say directly to their parents, “ I just don’t feel like doing it.” This expression is used even when asking a child to do such things as taking out the garbage, raking the leaves or washing the dishes.” Instead of getting into a confrontation, the parents just do it themselves. It is easier.

Whatever weak consequence they give for this outrageous comment is ignored. Any follow-through of a consequence is forgotten. The child believes he has won the battle and knows he can win any battle by acting as if the parent’s lecture never happened. Even an outright refusal is not seen as a disrespectful act. Although the parent loses the battle the ultimate loser is the child who becomes more dependent on the parent to service him.

In school the parents are more concerned about the child’s education than the child is. These parents attempt to micromanage the child’s daily behavior in school. They wind up doing a majority of the child’s homework and immediately intervene in any difficulty that he is facing even with the child’s peers.

The modern parent does not think the majority of the child’s problems in school are due to the lack of reality training.  “I just don’t feel like doing it,” is an arrogant and defiant statement.  Many things in life we do not because we want to do them. Instead we do them because they have to be done or we suffer the consequences that we like even less. Mowing the grass, doing laundry, cooking meals are just a few of the things adults do not want to do but complete them to create time for other things they do want to do.

These disregarded parents do not turn the tables on the child. This would teach the child an important lesson that if no one took care of the mundane chores everyone would suffer. Without parents training their children to do things they do not choose to do they are destined to be weak and dependent people.

“ I don’t feel like doing it,” should bring any parent into high alert. This should sound the alarm that the parent is way off course in raising their child. Parents should “man all battle stations” and command the child to rapidly learn, like it or not, that he will contribute to the family regardless of his selfishness.

This stance will put the child on notice that he has to change his attitude. Once he starts doing the necessary things to contribute, his competency level will rise enabling the child to become more independent towards becoming an adult.

“I will get the job done,” is a positive attitude that sets the child up for success. This self-talk will increase the parents’ chance of a positive experience with their child’s development. Parents will have to begin to lead them into success rather than be passive enablers of slackers.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD Traditional Realist

Our government schools have deemphasized teaching civics and history. Our children have limited knowledge of ancient civilizations, the American Revolution, the Constitutional Republic experiment, communism, fascism, socialism and capitalism. The knowledge of the past has to be studied to know that current events are being twisted.

The revision of past events to fit a template that undermines the accomplishments of America has become an art form of progressivism. These same people praise countries that promote more centrally controlled governments, which eliminate one by one the people’s freedoms. President Obama’s visit to Cuba did not condemn their human rights record. His policy of resetting the “reset button” with Russia and support of totalitarian regimes in the Middle East are a demonstration of the progressive view of foreign policies.

Progressives promote the first amendment for Marxist rhetoric while protesting violently against anyone who disagrees with their agenda. This again has been highlighted in the 2016 presidential primaries. The current election cycle of 2016 where shutting down of opponent’s speech is a rerun of the 1968 election.

From the perspective of intellectual elites, anyone who consolidates government power regardless of the ultimate results is held in high esteem. Josef Stalin, who killed 20 million people, was called “Uncle Joe.”  Che Guevara, who enjoyed torturing and killing the opposition, became “Che,” a worldwide pop culture hero. Mao Tse Tung was considered an “intellectual giant” by the progressive elites. The media has ignored these despots’ ghastly actions placing them on a pedestal while hiding the unenviable results of the Marxist doctrine.

Franklin D. Roosevelt enlarged the federal government during his four terms as president. He was given total credit for helping the US out of the Great Depression even though the economic evidence showed that it stayed depressed and was far worse in America then in Europe. The WWII victory, not President FDR’s socialistic policies, brought us out of the Great Depression. The graph of percentages of the unemployed from 1929-1945 clearly shows the Roosevelt policies did not bring back our economy.

Without studying the history of WWII people would not know the role Neville Chamberlain, England’s premier, played by his appeasement and faith in Adolph Hitler’s word. This did not prevent WWII; it only delayed the recognition of his explicit plan to rule the world as he laid out in Mien Kampf. The more Premier Chamberlain signed treaties, the greater grew his prestige and gave Hitler more time to prepare the brutal attacks on weakened nations. Similarly, the Obama administration continues to appease Iran’s leadership with deaf ears to the continuing daily threat of nuclear warfare with Israel and the United States while replenishing Iran’s treasury one and one half billion dollars.

Peace through negotiations without a strong military ends in defeat. Negotiating from a position of military power has increased the probability of victory if and when the negotiations break down. Understanding the logical and reality tested truth by the citizenry would have exposed President Obama’s “leading from behind” as a strategy for a future disaster. The world order is crumbling everyday. An aware and educated public is essential in keeping the government from going down the same path that led to WWII.

Knowledge is power. It takes effort from citizens to be aware enough to evaluate the accuracy of the initial reports and predictions as compared with what actually happened. When there is a great discrepancy between them the reliability of the particular media’s reporting and commentary needs to be questioned or eliminated as a reliable source of truth.

Different sources should be used to be most effective in making an accurate analysis of the particular outlet’s veracity. This awareness of the biased agenda of most media sources inoculates the person against media indoctrination. 

When the research process shows an obvious distortion of the facts, it should no longer be considered a free media but a pawn of the state that spews out propaganda to control public opinion and action. This process takes time and effort but it does pay great dividends to the citizens and the nation. The individual becomes a warrior for maintaining our freedoms not only for his generation but future ones.

True awareness of our increasingly corrupt governing process can save America from a disastrous take over from within. Any out-of-control, bloated government would eventually grow to a point where the resources needed to maintain it would consume the assets of its citizens. At this point it would enslave its citizens ending their rights and liberties as embodied in the constitution.

History has repeated itself throughout the ages. Without the knowledge of what happened in the past we are blind, without a compass to navigate our future course.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, March 09, 2016


By Domenick j. Maglio PhD

Today a spouse can unilaterally dissolve a marriage without consent of the other spouse and without penalty. Since the adoption of no-fault divorce in California in 1969 and then throughout the nation marriage has lost its moral sanction and legal power. Presently marriage is the only type of contract where one of the parties, in this case a spouse, can nullify it without penalty.

Before no-fault divorce a married person had to prove the other spouse was unfit to remain in this binding sanctioned contract. Cruelty, adultery abandonment and the inability to have sexual intercourse were some grounds to end a marriage. As happens in most legal disputes people often lie to obtain the results they desire.

When trying to obtain a divorce, bickering and dishonesty tie up the courts. No-fault divorce was supposed to expedite clearing of the court docket. It did but went to the other extreme. Divorce became as simple as a $129 payment to a paralegal to terminate almost any marriage. The commitment to joining “until death do us part” became a meaningless ritual, a joke in the eyes of the law.

Not having to assign fault to either spouse was supposed to limit the need for perjury and demonizing of the other spouse. The change from establishing fault to no-fault was also supposed to eliminate these issues and lower the divorce rate. It didn’t. It just moved the blame game from the court directly to the home where the innocent children are dealing with parents that blame each other for everything. They often use every manipulative ploy they know, including lies, to win the favor of their children.

When the states adopted no-fault the divorce rate soared even though in 80% of marriages one spouse did not want to end the marriage. This change in the law had minimal impact on childless couples but a horrific one on marriages with children. 
Children of divorced parents often hear each parent bad-mouth the other and receive bribes to favor them.  They face different rules and expectations in each parent’s home. Often new parent relationships with others are thrust upon the child forcing him to confront social and emotional issues before being emotionally mature enough to deal with them.

Children of divorced parents suffer from the death of their family. The psychological effect of the child blaming himself for the divorce, the lowering of the family standard of living and the unhinging their structure and stability would be destructive for any child.  This takes its toll on children even when they have loving and conscientious divorced parents. Divorce is hell for children since they have no voice in the parent’s decision.

The no-fault divorce statute places the selfish interest of the individual spouse over that of the entire family. One spouse has the veto power to end the commitment to all the other family members without the approval of anyone else. This law has changed the marriage contract from a sacred one to a casual relationship of two people cohabitating until one decides to walk away.

The instituting of “no-fault divorce” has weakened marriage, the family and the fabric of America. The Bolsheviks were the first to facilitate divorce. They realized no-fault divorce would lead to the destabilization of the family making drastic changes to society more feasible.

The impact of no-fault divorce has been catastrophic. It has opened the floodgates to greater number of divorces but also has enticed many couples to skip marriage and go directly into living together. It has gutted the social and sacred obligation of raising healthy and successful adults for simply increasing the individual freedom of one spouse to do what he or she feels like doing at that moment. This is being done without considering the long-range consequences to others, foremost the children. It often causes a financial drain of resources that drops many females into poverty putting them on government assistance. It is increasing the chances of children having serious problems with mental disorders, the law, alcohol and drug issues and children out of wedlock.

There are some simple changes of the divorce laws that would bolster the institution of marriage, strengthening the family and society. By simply increasing the waiting period between filing for divorce and completing the process the rate of divorce has been significantly lowered.

In England and France there was a 5 or 6-year waiting period before divorce, which encouraged reconciliation between the couples. Until 2010 New York State was a “fault state” with a one-year waiting period. The change to “no-fault” in NY led to a significant increase in divorce. Currently some states require mandatory counseling courses before a divorce can be finalized. Other states decide which parent is the “reasonable-fit” parent. They receive 2/3 of the custody as well as 60-100% of the assets of the marriage. Just requiring both parents to consent to a no-fault divorce can lower divorce 50%.

The more a couple learns about the negative reality of most divorces the less likely they see divorce as a panacea. They begin to rely less on their feelings and more on rational thought when they know the results of divorce. Many dissatisfied couples realize they do not want to jump from the frying pan into the fire.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, March 02, 2016


Single Payer Healthcare Will Subjugate the American People
By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD Traditional Realist

Our nation is rapidly moving toward a single payer health care system. The Affordable Healthcare Act is still in the introductory phase of winning the support of the American people for mandatory health insurance for everyone. The promise of developing a quality system while lowering the cost of healthcare was never logical, feasible or expected to work.

Before Obama became president he clearly stated his ultimate goal was a single payer healthcare system. He stated it would take about 15 years for the transition to be implemented. Gradually people had to be persuaded that the healthcare company’s greed was the cause of the poor quality of service. The all-powerful central government only needed more taxing power to solve the substandard system.  

The progressive formula is constant and consistent. When government does not deliver on its promises they blame it on the business sector while taking over more control, which makes matters worse. You are not supposed to believe your lying eyes and personal experiences with the system. There is no need to make it work as long as it is sold by using sophisticated false advertising and trumped up statistics.

Universal healthcare is the nail in the coffin of the free enterprise system that has made us great. Socialism/communism will be ushered in with a vengeance once this new method of redistributing (robbing) our assets is in place. Healthcare was one sixth of our GNP when Obamacare was rammed down our throats. The 2000 page bill was passed in a shady way before any of our representatives could read it. Open bribes bought senator’s votes like the “Cornhusker Kickback” deal. Almost everyday there is a new significant revelation in the bill that grants progressives more power to do things that are not connected to healthcare.

The rallying cry for the progressive is everyone has “a right to free healthcare.” It is not free and is certainly not even the quality that we had. The quality of care should be the issue but it is not. In Marxist leaning countries the people are told they have a right to “free everything under the sun” to con and appease them. The quality of all these programs precipitously drops as good providers quit because their assets and products are being confiscated.

Every citizen is mandated to pay healthcare taxes or face soaring penalties. The higher the taxes, the greater the subjugation of the people. The services the people receive become limited. Inevitably they are denied the best medical practices and even access to keep the cost of the program under control. Eventually the system deteriorates until the promises become a sham.

The greatest disservice free healthcare does to the people is to make them dependent on national healthcare. The government decides what is healthy or is not. They lose the responsibility and desire to maintain their own health. They are unable to regain their health when sick by tried and true natural methods since they are indoctrinated to be dependent on going to the “free clinics” for the most minor ailments.

When fully implemented Universal healthcare will end America, as we know it. It will become another centrally controlled nation. No longer will we be the land of opportunity. Instead we will more rapidly shrink the middleclass of its prosperity and wealth. This has already happened under the Obama administration.

The freedoms insured by constraining the government in our Constitution and Bill of Rights will be eliminated one by one. We will take on the characteristics of a repressive central government. Social mobility of citizens will come to a screeching halt. The social order will become more rigid with a larger dependent welfare class.

Unless we dismantle the beginnings of a single payer healthcare system we will suffer the reality of an all-powerful government. Every person will be mandated to participate in the program with increasing fees for poorer services. This is becoming the new normal for the average citizen.

All Americans remember our nation’s greatness was not based on promises of free things. We were blessed with a constitution that when followed gave us freedom from tyranny and the opportunity to work to climb the socioeconomic ladder of the capitalist free market economy.

We need to eliminate corporate welfare, oppressive government regulations that deny small businesses from entering the marketplace and free handouts to able Americans. We should return to what has made America great: power to the people not to the ruling class.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

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